Oregon Drivers Ed
Drivers education classes are nothing new and they are part of the licensing procedure in most states. Although the DMV in Oregon does not require you take a driver ed program, you are still advised to do so for your own benefit.
Drivers Education Classes
Drivers education classes usually combine both the theory part and behind the wheel lessons. The theory part of the driver ed class covers the driving rules, road signs, raises drug and alcohol awareness and explained the dangers of driving. The driving part of the drivers education program allows students to gain some basic driving skills while being supervised by a professional instructor. Please note that in order to be able to start your driving lessons, you must already posses the learners permit, driving without a permit is illegal.
Why Take Drivers Ed Classes
This is probably one of the most common questions and, provided the fact that drivers ed classes are not compulsory and they cost money, it is not unreasonable. The first thing you should consider when deciding whether to take a drivers education class is your own safety. Studies in many states show the benefits of taking such courses before getting behind the wheel and that is why drivers ed has been incorporated into the graduated drivers license system in most states.
If you are not concerned with your safety, you may think about taking drivers ed as means of preparing for your Oregon permit test. Every license applicant has to take a permit test before they can be issued with a permit or a license and there is no better way to learn the driving rules than to take a drivers ed program.
Other Ways To Prepare
If we did not convince you and you will not be taking the class, you should still prepare for your DMV exam. You can obtain a free DMV drivers handbook from the Oregon DMV and you can study the rules in the book. Taking a few free practice tests won't hurt either as it will allow you to see where you currently stand.