There is one thing you need to remember when it comes to learning the rules that govern “the right of the way”: the law just says who must YIELD the right of way, but it does not give any driver the right-of-way. This means that the right-of-way must not always be taken, sometimes it is safer to yield it even if the law is on your side. Today we are covering one of the Missouri permit test question that deals with this rule at four-way stop intersections. Make sure to take the complete Missouri practice permit test for more questions like this!
Sample Question
A. True
B. False
Don't know what the answer is but would like to research it yourself? Download a copy of the Missouri drivers manual from the DMV website and go to page 43, it covers all rules that govern the right of way.
Correct Answer To The Sample Question
Answer A suggests that at a four-way stop intersection, the car making a left turn should be given the right of way, provided that two cars arrive at the intersection at the same time. This is incorrect for a very simple reason: if two cars arrive at a four-way stop intersection at the same time, the intersection must be treated as a regular unregulated intersection (of course, everyone arriving at the intersection must obey the stop signs and come to complete stop before going through the intersection).
Now that we know that the right answer to the question, let's look at possible situations that could arise at such intersections. In these diagrams, the green vehicle will be going straight while the red vehicle will be making a left turn.
1. The vehicles are coming from opposite directions and arrive to the intersection at the same time

Since the red vehicle is making a left turn, we are using the rule that says that drivers turning left must yield to oncoming vehicles going straight. The driver of the red car who is making a left turn must yield to the driver of the green car
2. The green vehicle is located on the right from the red vehicle

In this situation, we must apply the rule that requires us to yield to the right of way to the driver on the right. In this car, the green vehicle is located on the right from the red vehicle and the drivers of the red vehicle must yield the right of way.
3. The green vehicle is located on the left from the red vehicle

In this diagram, the driver of the green vehicle must yield the right of way to the driver of the red vehicle because the red vehicle is on his right.
Make sure to read and understand all right-of-way rules in the drivers handbook and take this Missouri practice permit test multiple times before you go in for the real Missouri permit test at the DMV.
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