Road signs come in many sizes, shapes and colors. While it may seem that these colors and shapes are chosen randomly, it is not true: the shape and color of a road sign tells you which group of signs it belongs to and allows you to determine the priority of the sign. Questions on road signs always appear on the Massachusetts permit test and you have to learn them well in order to pass. We decided to go ahead and cover the most common road signs in our permit practice test MA sample quiz to help you learn them. Today we will be looking at what the road sign color can tell you about the sign.
Permit Practice Test Question
“Brown color is reserved for the following road signs:”
A. Directions, shows where you can go
B. Regulation
C. Recreational, historic or scenic sites
D. Construction or maintenance warnings
There is only one correct answer to the question. If you want to look for the answer to this question in the Massachusetts drivers manual, check out page 83. The answer is also shown at the end of the page.
Sample Question Answers
Answer A to the permit practice test MA sample quiz tells us that brown color is reserved for directions. This does not sound correct as directional signs are usually made in green color.
Answer B to the Massachusetts practice permit test suggests that brown color is used for regulation signs. This doesn't seem to be correct either as regulation signs are done in black/white color.
Answer C to the MA permit practice test tells us that brown color is reserved for road signs that mark recreational, historic or scenic sites.
Answer D to the practice permit test MA sample question tells us that brown color is used for construction or maintenance warnings. This is not true, because orange color is usually used to such purposes.
Correct Answer To The Permit Question
The correct answer to this Massachusetts permit test question is C:
“Brown color is reserved for road signs that mark recreational, historic or scenic sites”
Make sure to learn the colors and shapes for road signs before you actually proceed to learning all individual signs, it will make memorizing the signs much easier since you will already know which category the road sign belongs to just by looking at it's color and shape.
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