Drinking and driving is dangerous: we all know this, we are being told this all the time by the media, the DMV, our friends and parents. However, there is still such a thing as “legal amount of alcohol” you can drink before you get behind the wheel in Connecticut, provided you are over 21 years of age. Even you are a non-drinker and never plan on driving after drinking alcohol, the DMV still requires you to know legal blood alcohol content (BAC) levels and you may get a question on driving under the influence on your Connecticut permit test, that is why it is important that you learn as much as possible about the effects of alcohol on your driving ability. For this reason, we have a number of practice permit test CT questions on driving under the influence and BAC levels. While legal BAC levels may vary between states, the effect alcohol has on your driving ability does not, make sure you understand exactly what happens when you drink and drive.
Practice Permit Test Question
A. Only a blood alcohol level greater than the legal limit
B. Alcohol does not
C. Even the smallest amount of alcohol
D. Only a blood alcohol level greater than .08
We urge absolutely everyone to cover this topic in the official Connecticut drivers handbook. The book has a wealth of information on the state driving laws, traffic signs and defensive driving tactics and yet, it covers all aspects of driving under the influence in great details. The book is an invaluable resource for anyone getting ready to take the Connecticut permit test some time soon, make sure to peruse it before you visit a local DMV office!
Permit Test CT Answers
Answer A to the Connecticut permit practice test question suggests that only a blood alcohol level greater than the legal limit limits your concentration, perception, judgment and memory. This is not true. Legal BAC has been developed based on the effects of alcohol on an “average” person. You may be affected by alcohol more than this average person and even if you drink less than legally allowed, it will impair your driving.
Answer B to the practice permit test CT question states that alcohol does not affect your driving in any of the listed ways. If you read the handbook and have some sense, you will know this to be not true.
Answer C to the Connecticut practice permit test tells us that even the smallest amount of alcohol limits your concentration. This sounds to be true, but let's look at the last answer we were offered.
Answer D to this learners permit practice test CT question suggests that alcohol will only impair your judgment and perception when blood alcohol level is greater than .08. If your BAC tests at 0.08 or above, the state considers you completely unfit to drive and you will be arrested for operating under influence. This answer is incorrect.
Correct Answer To The Sample Question
The correct answer to this permit test question is C:
This is why there is a “zero tolerance” law for drivers under the age of 21. If you are under the age of 21, you are not allowed to drive after consuming any amount of alcohol, even one standard drink can place you over the limit and if you BAC is shown to be over 0.02, your drivers license will be suspended for at least 12 months and you are looking at paying hefty fine too. Refusal to take the test won't save you: it automatically lands you a suspension for 18 months (this is why most states have the “implied consent law” that requires every driver to consent to mandatory BAC testing).
Remember, drinking and driving do not mix. If you planning on having a drink, arrange for other means of transportation: hail a cab, have someone pick you up or use public transportation.
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