Despite what many drivers think, the horn has very specific uses and you are not supposed to turn the horn to channel your frustration with other drivers, pedestrians or any other road users. The horn should only be used to prevent an accident or to alert other drivers to your presence, its use is regulated by the Arizona vehicle code. Your Arizona permit test may contain questions on using the horn correctly and that's why our practice permit test AZ sample quiz also features similar questions. Today we are looking at one of such question in more details.
Practice Test Question
A. Are traveling through an intersection
B. Are passing a bicyclist
C. See a child who is about to run into the street
D. Are parallel parking
Remember that you can find answers to all AZ permit test questions in the official Arizona permit book which is distributed free of charge by the Arizona Department of Transportation (what we commonly know as the DMV). Grab your copy of the book on the DMV website and read it at least once before you start taking this Arizona practice permit test.
Permit Test Answers
Answer A to the practice permit test AZ question suggest that you honk your horn every time you traveling through an intersection. If you observe other drivers, you might notice that people don't actually do this. Imaging everyone honking the horn every time when they go through an intersection - that's complete chaos and it will not do anything for traffic safety. This question is incorrect.
Answer B to the AZ practice permit test tells us that we need to honk the horn whenever we are passing the bicyclist. While you should certainly give bicyclists enough room when you are passing them, you should not honk your horn because it may actually scare the cyclist. Just keep enough space (4 feet or more) between you and the cyclist when you are passing him.
Answer C to the permit practice test AZ states that you should honk your horn when you see a child who is about to run into the street. This is actually a good idea, since it will alert the child to your presence BEFORE he enters the road and there is a very good chance that the child will stop.
Answer D to the AZ permit practice test question offers you to honk your horn when you are parallel parking. Think about this - would it do anything for you or other drivers? Honking the horn while parallel parking is certainly not necessary.
Correct Answer To The Permit Test Question
The correct answer to this Arizona permit test question is C:
You should still keep in mind that honking the horn does not eliminate the need to slow down and anticipate the child's actions, honking the horn reduces the chance of the child running onto the road, but does guarantee it. It is always a good idea to slow down and prepare to stop whenever you are driving in places where children may run onto the road, such as suburbs or school zones.
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